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From This Day Forward

Connect Group Studies

Craig's Main Idea:


Having a healthy marriage starts with seeking God together, as God is your "one" and your spouse is your "two".


Key Questions


  • What’s one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?


  • Do a reality check: How much of a priority is seeking God together in your marriage? Why?


  • Craig said that God is woven into every area of our lives. How would you like to see Him woven even more into your marriage?



Day 1 - Matthew 22:34-40

Day 2 - Matthew 6:25-34

Day 3 - Jeremiah 17:5-8

Day 4 - 2 Chronicles 7:11-18

Day 5 - John 1:1-18

Day 6 - James 4:1-8

Day 7 - Proverbs 3:1-6

Discussion Points


  • Read and discuss

              - Matthew 22:37-40,

              - Psalm 10:4-6

              - 2 Chronicles 7:14.​


  • How would you evaluate the current state of your marriage? Share what’s good and what’s not so good.


  • Craig talked about the importance of praying together as a couple. What are some of the benefits you’ve experienced of praying together? If you are not praying together, what’s preventing you from doing so?


  • What are some spiritual traditions that you’ve created with your spouse or would like to create?


Next Steps:


  • What’s one thing you will do this week as a result of something you learned from this message?

Week 1 #Contentment
Week 2 #Relationships

Craig's Main Idea:


All couples fight, but good couples learn to fight fair. When you fight you must “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.


Key Questions


  • What’s one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?


  • Do a reality check: How would you evaluate the way you and your spouse fight? Do you typically fight fair or unfair? Explain.


  • Craig said the keys to fighting fair are found in James 1:19, which says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” In which of these three ways do you and your spouse do well when you fight and which do you not



Day 1 - Proverbs 18:1-13

Day 2 - James 3:1-12

Day 3 - James 1:19-27

Day 4 - Ephesians 5:21-33

Day 5 - Ephesians 4:25-32

Day 6 - Romans 12:9-21

Day 7 - Matthew 18:21-35

Discussion Points


  • Read and discuss

              - James 1:19-20

              - Proverbs 18:2

              - Proverbs 21:23

              - Ephesians 4:26-27


  • How did your parents handle conflict in their marriage? How has that shaped the way you handle conflict in your own marriage?


  • Recall your first fight or one of your early fights as a couple. How has the way you fight changed throughout your marriage?


  • What steps can you take to become a better listener in your marriage? If you are a good listener, how has that affected the way you fight with your spouse?


Next Steps:


  • What’s one thing you will do this week as a result of something you learned from this message?

Craig's Main Idea:


Fun is not a luxury in marriage. If you don’t make time for fun, you may not have a marriage.


Key Questions


  • What’s one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?


  • Do a reality check: How would you evaluate the level of fun in your marriage?


  • Craig said to get what you once had; you have to do what you once did. What fun and romantic things did you do early on in your relationship that you might need to start doing again?



Day 1 - Ecclesiastes 9:7-10

Day 2 - Song of Solomon 4:1-16

Day 3 - Song of Solomon 7:1-13

Day 4 - Proverbs 5:1-23

Day 5 - Revelations 5:1-23

Day 6 - 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Day 7 - Proverbs 17:22

Discussion Points


  • Read and discuss

              - Ecclesiastes 9:9

              - Song of Solomon 4:1-3

              - Song of Solomon 7:1-12  


  • What are some of the things you most enjoy doing together in your marriage? How have your interests changed throughout you marriage?


  • If you are struggling to have fun in your marriage, what’s keeping you from having fun? What steps do you need to take to remove these barriers?


  • What are some of the things that first attracted you to your spouse and caused you to fall in love with them?


  • Share one of the most fun experiences you’ve had as a couple. What impact did this experience have on your marriage?


Next Steps:


  • What’s one thing you will do this week as a result of something you learned from this message?

Week 3 #Authenticity
Week 4 #Compassion

Craig's Main Idea:


To have a healthy marriage, couples must strive for both inward and outward purity.


Key Questions


  • What’s one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?


  • If there is one area of vulnerability that could compromise your purity, what would it be?


  • What are some specific things you are doing or need to do to seek and maintain purity in your marriage?



Day 1 - Hebrews 13:1-8

Day 2 - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Day 3 - Ephesians 5:1-21

Day 4 - Psalm 119:1-16

Day 5 - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Day 6 - Colossians 3:1-25

Day 7 - Romans 13:12-14

Discussion Points


  • Read and discuss

              - Hebrews 13:4

              - Ephesians 5:3

              - 1 Corinthians 10:13

              - Psalm 119:9-11


  • Do a reality check: Is seeking purity a priority in your marriage? Why or why not?


  • What are some of the most common types of impurities you’ve seen try to filter into your marriage?


  • Craig said there are two types of purity we must strive for: outward purity, which is our behaviour, and inward purity, which involves our heart. What outward or inward changes do you need to make to ensure you live a life of purity?


  • Describe a time when you dealt with impurity. How did you deal with it and what did you learn from your experience?


Next Steps:


  • What’s one thing you will do this week as a result of something you learned from this message?

Craig's Main Idea:


Marriage is a covenant and not a contract. It is a permanent relationship with no end date. No matter how tough things might become, divorce should not an option.


Key Questions


  • What’s one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?


  • Examine your marriage. What and where are you sowing in your marriage currently? Are you pleased with your harvest or do you need to make some changes?


  • What are some specific things you’ve learned from this series that you are going to do to ensure that you and your spouse never give up in your marriage?



Day 1 - Matthew 19:1-12

Day 2 - Galatians 6:1-10

Day 3 - Malachi 2:10-16

Day 4 - Mark 10:1-12

Day 5 - Genesis 2:4-25

Day 6 - Matthew 5:31-32

Day 7 - 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Discussion Points


  • Read and discuss

              - Matthew 19:1-12

              - Galatians 6:7-9


  • Do you tend to be more selfish or selfless with your spouse? Explain.


  • Describe a time when you encountered a tough time in your marriage? How did you get through it and how did that experience affect your marriage?


  • How have you seen divorce affect your family or the families of those you know?​


Next Steps:


  • What’s one thing you will do this week as a result of something you learned from this message?

Week 5 #Rest
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