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Brett Lindner

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Healing Evangelist Brett Lindner has seen hundreds of people supernaturally healed and set free as he prays in Jesus' name. Brett will be ministering all of our turningpoint campuses through-out October.

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Brett Lindner
Brett Lindner

Time & Location

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All turningpoint campuses

About the event

Healing Evangelist Brett Lindner has seen hundreds of people supernaturally healed and set free as he prays in Jesus' name. Brett encountered the Holy Spirit and was truly 'born again' while visiting a Pentecostal church. He knew he would spend the rest of his life following the call of Jesus.

Brett has always had a heart for those who don't know Jesus, and for praying for the sick. He’s seeing more and more people healed, encountering the love of God, and accepting Jesus as their Saviour. Many miracles and testimonies are recorded

on video. The clear demonstration of God's love through signs and wonders ushers in a new level of faith into congregations that continues well after Brett leaves.

Sunday 13th October

10:30am    turningpoint Koo Wee Rup

2:30pm      turningpoint Officer

6:00pm      turningpoint Cranbourne

Wednesday 16th October

6 - 8pm      Wildpath Frankston outreach - Young St, Frankston (Tasman Meat's carpark)

Thursday 17th October

7:30pm       turningpoint Hallam (email for more details)

Friday 18th October

7:00pm       Wildpath Frankston, Encounter Night

Sunday 20th October

10:30am     turningpoint Lilydale

6:00pm       turningpoint Cranbourne

Friday 25th October

7:00pm       Mansfield Christian Fellowship

Sunday 27th October

10:30am     Wildpath Frankston

2:30pm       turningpoint Officer

6:00pm       turningpoint Cranbourne

All events are free and we would love to see everyone there! 

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